faberNovel Announces Redemption of Rebellion Lab, founded by Domnique Piotet, a former Atelier BNP Paribas, a pioneer in learning expeditions to the US for great business leaders.
In the process, the company also announced the acquisition of the Media Agency, founded by Yassine Belfkih-Gentil and Kevin Cantin ex-Googlers in 2013. Media Agency specializing in performance marketing account as customer references as E.Leclerc and Pernod Ricard. It plans to achieve a turnover of more than 1 million euros in 2015.
The amount of the two acquisitions was not disclosed.
faberNovel achieved organic growth of 50% of its turnover in the first half of 2015. With these acquisitions, the company closer to its goal of 20 million euros in revenue and 150 employees in 2016.